Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Okay, my hat goes off to you. I have to admit that I wasn't too sure how today was going to work out, but you did an amazing job. I want to thank you all for a great wedding. I'll be posting some stills and some excerpts from the video as soon as I get the technical side sorted.

You can use this thread for your feedback: What did you think about the whole wedding thing? Did you something out of it? What? Which aspects didn't work? What could be improved? The floor is yours.

Also, Alma asked about the movie reviews and seemed kind of vexed about not getting them yet. I understand her concerns, but the reason I haven't given them back yet is a) I got the last one last Friday and b) we're going to look at them with the teacher trainees and give you a proper grade. So hang tight, you'll get them.

Thank you for this course. You are, quite simply, great.

Later edit: There was some cake left, so I took it to the staff room. It's in the fridge. Come and see me Lauri if you want it back! Also, you left the plate you brought it with.


  1. the wedding was fun ! :D but it was over so quickly ! and whyyy whyyy did i have to be the priest :''///// i dont want to see the video because my pronunciation is terrible.. horrible.. ABSOLUTELY HIDIOUS

  2. Are you kidding me? You were great! Before the whole thing I thought you were totally against the whole idea, but you came through with flying colours. Great job.

  3. : DDD im sorry ilona ! :D D i put you to be a priest : ''' DD

    WEDDING WAS supper dupper funfunfun : DDD

  4. And im so sad that Jukka wasnt able to be there : (((((( Hänninen was a good substitute : DDd

  5. IT WAS GREAAAAAT! except that it would have been BETTER, if I would have get the bouquet instead of katsku (who is like the groom's mom!!!) so I just have to attend katsku's wedding ,___,
