Monday, March 15, 2010

Teacher trainees

Okay folks,

Quick post, I'm just on my way to bed feeling what the Brits call 'knackered'. If there are any typos don't tell anyone, especially in the English teachers' staff room.

I've been as sick as a really sick puppy over the weekend, but I'm (sort of) back in business now. There's still a funny sensation in the throat and my cough doesn't sound too good, but other than that I'm fine. I'm just mentioning this as I'm sure you're all terribly interested in my physical health. By the way, I just watched the movie The Queen with my flatmates and I thought it was pretty good. Again, if you're into action movies (and I'm getting the vibe that you are), probably not the best choice. Thoroughly entertaining nevertheless.

Also, I've been going through your movie reviews. Good stuff guys! Although it must be said that the actual movie clearly wasn't a hit. At least it made you take a (pretty firm) stand, which is not a bad thing.

For those of you who don't know, here's our schedule for the upcoming weeks:

16 March Kirsti begins
18 March Kirsti
19 March Kirsti
23 March Jutta begins
25 March Jutta
26 March Jutta
30 March Special double lesson / Wedding party!

A couple of things stand out, I suppose. Firstly, there are two teacher trainees coming up, the first one starting tomorrow. Secondly, there will be a cool wedding party on 30 March, so you need to put this in your no doubt busy calendars. No skipping school on the 30th! We will keep you posted.

Now, as you seem eager to exchange your views, I'm going to take up a topic that was raised in an earlier thread. Teacher trainees: a good thing or a bad thing? A blessing or a curse? Some of you said already that they suck. Okay, fair enough, but can you be more specific? Saying that someone or something sucks is not an argument. When Kirsti starts tomorrow, you can even comment on her, too, but remember that you NEED to be constructive with your feedback. This is no place for ad hominem attacks. Plus I'm absolutely sure Kirsti will do fine. Anyway, discuss!

Later edit: I just noticed my posts are boring because there are no pictures in them. So I'll just add some now. Here's one with me in curly hair.


  1. Yey a new post! and I'm the first one to comment it! :)
    okay tomorrow I'll write a long response to the question about teacher trainees.

    Anyways, have you ever seen Twilight? :'D
    Im sorry to ask this, but that picture of you w/ curly hair... it looks like Jasper from Twilight..

    good night!

  2. I just hope that our trainees will chill and kind of go with the flow : D we are not mean and we dont bite (at least I hope so)

    People you have to talk more here : D or I just dont have a life since I have had this site open for the last 3 hours : D

  3. and I'll have to agree with salla about the Jasper point! : DDD

  4. hey I'm here aswell Svenkku ;) and I'm even following this blog twice :'D
    but that is just because via my Twitter account I couldn't comment on these posts. :(

  5. UUUUU : DD you are wonderchild of technology <3

    Now when both of us are here we can make a world (this blog) a better place ..
    or terrorize it totally : ) ) ))

  6. hey! don't blame me, it is impossible to comment via twitter account !

    btw Taneli, do you know what twitter is? you should do that aswell.

    and Svenkku shouldn't you be reading instead of commenting this blog :D ?

  7. yeeeeeees : D but I am literally leaking information : DD so I am here doing almost nothing, and twitter is useless ...

    BTW!! : D I have seen the Queen and it is pretty good (AFAIR) Helen Mirren is so gorgeous in it!

    ps. I'm dying at some of this word verifications : DD my last one was menuntra or something : D

  8. Yeah I kind of know what Twitter is, although I haven't really gotten familiar with it. Should probably look into that ASAP. Thanks for the tip.

  9. haha so many comments :DD i dont have time to read them all!

    but i liked kirsti first ! she was funny and made some good points, but why so tense ? i mean WHO says to students to shut up ? :D its just.. i dont think i respect her so much anymore

    okay i know we talked a little but so did the others too! why did she have be so mean, especially for svenkku when she only tried to help me

  10. Teacher trainees:
    A blessing or a curse?
    It's impossible to answer to that question. It so depends on the trainee. Some of them are good, some of them are not too good..
    But I've been in Norssi for almost 5 years now, so I know for a fact that there are good trainees also :) and like Kirsti said, most of us only remember those who can't teach and that is why we are not too excited about them..

    Anyways the thing I dislike about teacher trainees is that they often take an eyesore from the class. Like today.. And I don't mean to be rude, but I thought it was a bit unkind to only comment on Svenkkus behaviour, when she totally wasn't the only one speaking. It's just that she was sitting in the front row..

  11. I know I sometimes may speak little bit too much but when whatshername told me to SHUT UP! after I was trying to explain an assingnemet to Ilona. I think she was sereoustly disrespectful and I dont think that she is having the right methods of teaching (and I kinda hope that she will read these comments because they are only constructive). She'll be good teacher for 25+ people, though.
    and just because we are students doesnt mean that we are stupid or something.

    've been reading again the whole day for the health education and tomorrow is the big RUSSIAN examn : DDD

    ps. didnt I just write like yesterday that trainees doesnt like me ?? : DD

  12. I just noticed that I've been compared to Jasper from Twilight. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, but hey I'll take it as a compliment. I've never read any of the books or seen any films.

    Here's my two cents on teacher trainees: it's no secret that some of them are better than others. Or maybe 'better' is not the right word. It's often just a case of some trainees' teaching methods suiting your own learning strategies a little bit better or worse. As such, I think they are an incresible asset. Every year, and not just once but twice a year, you are confronted in class with a new person who has thought the topic of the lesson through in a new and (often) refreshing manner. Think about it. If you just had Seija or Riku or plain old me all the time and all year through, you'd get bored pretty quickly. Sure, sometimes trainees drop the ball. They might not know something that they should or are not up-to-date with the latest gossip on some fascinating topic like the English modal verbs. There's a reason they're called 'trainees': they're there to learn. But hey, do you think practising teachers never mess it up? Hell yes they do. I for one do it all the time. Maybe they just cover it up a little bit better.

    As for Kirsti, I think she put on a good show today and presented you with some really helpful information that you can make use of later on. Okay I know you feel she picked on Svenkku more than she ought to have, but I think Svenkku (correct me if I'm wrong) will be the first to admit that she has a rather sonorous voice, as do most of the front row ladies. I remember when I was subbing for Seija for the first time last Autumn and some of you were in that group. I nearly crapped my pants! I thought oh my God I'm never going to be able to control you people how am I going to survive. Sometimes even now I feel like throwing in the towel because hey let's face it, it can be a pretty demanding job keeping everybody motivated in class. The important thing now is to let bygones be bygones and concentrate on all the cool stuff that's going to happen next. And it looks like the next lesson will be a real treat!

    Wow, this comment is like twelve pages long.

  13. I wouldnt mind to have your lessons through the whole period : DDD

    were we really that horrible the first time you met us ? : DDDd

  14. ps. the jasper thing is a compliment : DDDD

  15. i like jasper in the books but not in the movie, hes too anorectic and i dont know wussy..

    and as for kirsti u dont say to students that they can listen to music and do whatever they want while in class, it disturbs more your studying than saying couple of words to your friend sitting next to u. i mean i was reading a book the hole class and she didnt say anything (!?) :D i mean WHAT !? :D

  16. but my point is that kirsti was nice and i liked her until she use the words SHUT UP, then i was simply fuck of

  17. okay speaking in class and with high voice CAN disturb your classmates and the teacher but u dont say shut up :D its simply not correct :D

  18. we should wash her mouth with a soap!! : DD and teach some manners : D

  19. now we can film our own twilight in school since we have jasper already : DD Ilari can be Emmett : DD

  20. hahhahaha >D but whos gonna be edward ? :D there really isnt anyone in our school who could be him

  21. Hey hey hey. Ilona, it's 'fuck off' with two f's and no we don't use that kind of language here.

  22. oh im sorry ! i promise to clean my mouth ! :)

  23. haha jasper cullen :DDDDD quite identical, I would say.

  24. Hey why I can't see the Taneli's Jasper picture?!? UNFAIIIIR! :D And everybody knows I'm like, the biggest Twilighter in our school, so why I'm aren't here talking about it? :D ahhh nouuu FAIL

    And about teacher trainees, I think they are a nice change and most of them are okay. Rarely there are trainees who rise above others (or sucks) but there are always those too. People just are different and we can't expect that the can fill all our expectation and for that I can say they're usually very high, because we have such greats teachers, like Taneli!♥ Everybody agrees? :D

  25. Oh, thank you for these kind words. You're just saying though.
