Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The course is drawing to an end

Well, it seems like we haven't even started yet and now the course is almost finished. Exams start next week already. How time flies. I feel a bit bad for not having been able to teach you for two solid weeks. I would have liked to, believe me, but I couldn't really turn down the trainees either.

Jutta will still be teaching tomorrow and on Friday, and then on Tuesday we will have our big wedding. The three of us have been working hard on the preparations, and things look good on paper. We'll just have to see how it works in practice. Remember, this is a first time for everybody involved, so go easy on us. But I don't think there'll be too many problems. One thing I thought about today was Adrian. Maybe he'd like to take part in the wedding as well? If you feel like it, ask him. I don't know him that well.

Kirsti already made you fill in a questionnaire. Still, I'd like to hear some more feedback. What do you think about the teacher trainees? Did they dispupt the course? Do you think you've learnt something useful during the course? Have your say. That's what this blog is for.

Also, we'll be assessing your movie reviews with the trainees, so you won't get them back before next week. Be patient.

Taneli out.


  1. I don't actually know if I've learn anything new..? :OO but I've had dun during the lessons that's for sureeeee. But it's nice we have done all kinds of different exercises to brush up our english


  3. Yeah we should definitely ask Adrian too and I think he'd be more than eager to participate into Aino's and Jukka's wedding :D

    Well my vocabulary has grew and maybe I can pronounce now better, bites me ;D But in all I've liked this course very much and even it's the last lesson in Friday I'm still motivated to come :) that should tell a lot about this course's spirit too!
